So, Sugar I think is for sure my favorite of the strays, along with Spaz who I am worried about as I haven't seen her in days. I'm sure I like him because he seems to like me as well. Today I was on my porch and he was coming up the steps behind me, so I stepped one foot out to the side to make a path between my legs so he could go up to the top. He sorta stopped for a bit, and kinda contemplated if it was really OK to walk UNDER a human. Well he did, and then he even leaned over to my leg, and I started petting him and he was REALLY leaning in to it with his head and pushing his back up towards my hand. He also sniffed at my cat Orion through the door, and they were both good with each other. Orion is still a kitten, no more than 9 months old I'd say, and I believe Sugar isn't more than a year old either (the neighbor said one of his litter mates froze to death during the rough winter we had) so I'm sure that helps. Sugar is just a very loving cat- though he needs to watch that. He's definitely skittish with humans, I have to somewhat trick him into letting me pet him till he remembers he likes it- but he was rubbing up on Milk (who is his mother, from what my neighbor says) and she was NOT having it and bit at his ear to get him to back off. It totally didn't work, he kept rubbing up on her so I just started petting him again so he'd leave her alone.
I think when I get my promotion (or when my boyfriend gets home) I am going to look into building them a little shelter in the back yard. There's a slab of concrete (you can see in one of the pictures in a previous entry, Spaz is laying on it) that I could clean off and build a little something over top of. Possibly just buy a kids play house that I would be able to install a cat door and a lock on. I worry because I think some of the neighbors are shooting at the cats with B.B. guns. So if I could have a lockable shelter for them, I could feed them in there so they would hang out there and hopefully stay more safe. We will see what I can manage!
I think they missed you over the weekend.